ISLAMABAD: Collective efforts are needed to frustrate the designs of terrorists who want to tear apart the fabric of the entire Muslim Ummah, Grand Mufti of Egypt Dr Shawki Ibrahim Abdel Karim Allam said Thursday.
Addressing an international conference titled ‘Promotion of Religious Tolerance in Light of the Teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)’ here, he urged ulema, intellectuals, educationists and the civil society to play their role for elimination of destructive concepts of terrorism and extremism. He stressed the need to check the promotion of terrorism on social media. “We should disseminate the message of Islam through our character and education,” he said, urging the world to launch decisive action against terrorists. “Every Muslim needs to play his role in portraying a true picture of Islam as fake Islamic organisations created by enemies to give bad name to Islam have been involved in the mass massacre of people in the name of religion. We have to take measures to completely eliminate terrorism and extremism,” he said.
The Grand Mufti said Islam teaches peace, tolerance and harmony. “The killing of innocent people is not allowed in any religion. Islam encourages cooperation in good deeds,” he said.
He said national counter-terrorism narrative of Pakistan – Paigham-e-Pakistan – would be translated into Arabic language and distributed among various segments of society in Egypt for their benefit.
Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Sardar Yousaf said the life of last Holy Prophet (PBUH) teaches tolerance, harmony and peaceful coexistence. “The inking of Hudaibiya Treaty by Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was a great example of tolerance and compassion. In an Islamic country minorities enjoy equal rights and religious freedom. No non-Muslim can be forced to change his religion,” he said.
Highlighting his ministry’s efforts of promoting religious harmony, the minister said the National Ulema and Mashaikh Council and National Commission for Minorities have been constituted to promote religious harmony. He said National Seerat Conference is being held annually for spreading the message of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
He said Paigham-e-Pakistan has also been endorsed by Egypt and Imam-e-Kaaba. He said head of Al-Azhar University Egypt will be invited to Pakistan.
State Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Pir Ami-ul-Hasnat said enemies were trying to promote hatred among various sects of Islam. Implementing Paigham-e-Pakistan with letter and spirit will help make the country peaceful, he added.
Dr Yasin Zaraf said the society was facing multiple challenges and more concerted efforts were needed to promote religious harmony.
Allama Arif Wahidi said suicide blasts are forbidden in Islam. He said only state is authorized to announce jihad. Hanif Jalandhri said Islam preaches self-respect and tolerance. “Non-Muslims are enjoying equal rights in Pakistan. Ulema are united against the menace of terrorism and extremism,” he added.
Dr Atta-ur-Rehman said state terrorism should also be condemned besides criticizing individual terrorism. Kashmiris and Palestinians are being subjected to the worst state terrorism, he added.
Pandit Channa Lal said non-Muslims are enjoying complete religious freedom in Pakistan. He called for removal of hate material from the curriculum.
Published in Daily Times, March 23rd 2018.