LAHORE: Indian forces on Tuesday killed two people in Indian-occupied Kashmir during a military operation against the Kashmiri Muslims.
The clash also claimed the life of a young women.
At least 210 people have been killed this year during the military operations carried out by the Indian forces against the Kashmiri Muslims.
In the latest clash, two persons were shot dead in a firefight that began Monday evening in southern Shopian district, said the police officials.
Hundreds of Kashmiris rushed to the scene chanting anti-India slogans in protest that continued raging Tuesday morning.
Police opened fire with pellet guns, killing three and hospitalising 12 people.
According to police, the young woman was killed in crossfire.
However, some witnesses claimed the woman was killed by police during the demonstrations, not in cross fire.
Kashmiri Muslims have been fighting since 1989 against the deployment of half a million Indian soldiers in the territory.
Tens of thousands, mostly civilians, have died in the fighting in the recent years.