A group show of art works by five established artists was put on display here Saturday for art lovers at Khaas contemporary art gallery. The show titled Zeitgeist: The Defining Spirit is curated by Aasim Akhtar featuring Works by Hamza Qazi, Javaid Mughal, Madiha Hyder, Qadir Jhatial and Saqiba Suleman.
Hamza Qazi inquires the heightened forms of visual realism, while what is depicted as his pictorial realization is motivated by an inner authenticity. Interested in the representation of figures and arrays, his paintings have a strong existentialist character that represents fragments of a splendorous mosaic of human life that he painterly transforms into mysterious banality whereas, the backgrounds are unknowable.
Figurative work concepts are Javaid’s key motivators and the inspiration of his creativity comes from the culture of the surroundings. He enjoys the city culture and the diversity of people and gets influenced by it. The subjects in his paintings are drawn from his personal experiences and the incidents or happenings around him.
Madiha Hyder’s new body of work is a conversational dialogue of sorts, a mode of communication a tool that she uses to reach out to people around her.
Qadir Jhatial is a visual artist based in Lahore; Jhatial’s inquiry is centered about what is a representation of an image that how the image is viewed, read and interpreted in the present age of overwhelming information and knowledge. His practice evolved from pure painting into a multi-disciplinary practice, this went beyond conventional painting and drawing moving to the use of interactive expression incorporating performative and digital media elements.
Saqiba Suleman explores the idea of being judgmental about external appearance, said the organizers. The show will continue till January 28.